firesys Conference 2025
A warm welcome!
This year, the firesys conference will take place in a new, expanded setting! We are proud to be part of the Sustainability osapiens Summit (SoS.25) - the leading event for corporate sustainability in Europe. In addition to the latest developments around firesys, you can expect an even broader range of topics that go far beyond the disclosure management of traditional financial and sustainability reporting.
From regulation to practice: focus on the most important ESG topics
- ESG Compliance & Regulation – Insights into EU directives such as CSRD, EUDR, CSDDD & CBAM, with industry-specific perspectives for sectors such as automotive, retail and manufacturing.
- Best Practices & Innovations – Industry-oriented solutions for more sustainability and efficiency, tailored to the challenges of different industries.
- Technologies for more transparency – Specific applications such as ESRS tagging, carbon footprint, product compliance and track & trace for industrial supply chains.
- Interactive Summit Tracks – Industry-specific exchange with experts from business, politics and research.
We look forward to welcoming you again in person.
Your firesys team
Registration – Sustainability osapiens Summit (SoS.25)
Our customers and partners can attend the event free of charge! To secure your place at the firesys Track and not miss any firesys news, please note the following information when registering.
Choice of solution: Disclosure Management (firesys)
Invitation code: SoS_firesys
Click here to register for free!
With 1,500+ participants, 150+ speakers and 10+ stages, the leading event for corporate sustainability in Europe in 2024.
Top speakers on the firesys stage
We are delighted to have the kind support of our guest speakers.
Guest speakers (excerpt):
- Nicolette Behncke // Partnerin Sustainabilty Services // PwC
- Georg Lanfermann // President // DRSC – Deutsches Rechnungslegungs Standards Committee e. V.
- Dr. Steffen Schwartz-Höfler // Head of Group Sustainability // Continental AG
- Okan Zengi // Director // Deloitte
- Franziska Zimmermann // Moderatorin